Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons | Professional Plumbers in Clearwater, FL Skip to main content

Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons

Tankless Water Heater Pros and Cons

Over time, your water heater is simply going to have to go. That’s just the nature of any installation, especially one that you’re bound to use every single day. When the time comes to replace the water heater in your Clearwater home, you have a choice to make: to get a traditional water heater or a tankless unit.

Perhaps you’ve heard of tankless water heaters -- but only in passing, just enough to have some idea of what they are but not a very clear one. If that’s the case, you may be on the fence as you consider whether or not to get one. If you’re not sure if a tankless unit is right for you, just read on. In this article, we’ll explain the major pros and cons of this water heater model, helping you to determine for sure whether it’s right for you.

Tankless Water Heater Cons

We’ll go ahead and start by looking at the major cons that a tankless water heater has to offer. Don’t worry: There are only two big ones. However, they are significant enough to potentially change your mind about this installation. So, before you opt for one, just be aware that you’ll also be opting for the following:

  • High Upfront Cost This problem will hit you only once, but boy, will it hit you hard. If you’re looking to replace your old water heater on a budget -- well, you should look into a lower-cost option. With its sheer cost and need for retrofitting work, a tankless water heater can set anyone’s budget back quite a ways.
  • Inconsistent Heating in Some Cases Generally, your tankless water heater is going to give you a pretty consistent temperature. However, if your tankless unit is directing water to multiple outlets at once, you can expect some unwanted fluctuations in your water temps. If your household frequently uses multiple hot-water sources at once, a tankless unit might not be right for you.

Tankless Water Heater Pros

If you have sluggish toilets and shower drains, they may need to be cleaned before you have a house full of guests using them. Drain cleaning is a preventative plumbing service that is worthwhile if the drain system in your home is older.

Backups can be pretty frequent when old pipes have a build up of limescale coating inside. Drain cleaning gets rid of this buildup so the pipes drain the water and waste out as they should.

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  • Immediate Heating When you want to hop in the shower, you probably don’t want to do any of that frustrating waiting that many of us are subjected to as we wait for hot water to build up. The good news is that you can avoid this waiting if you opt for a tankless water heater, which is designed to provide hot water immediately.
  • Space-Saving For many of us, space is a luxury in our homes. Over time, we watch our available space dwindle because of an accumulation of belongings and family members. If you’re looking for ways to get back the use of some of the space in your home, you need to replace your traditional water heater with a far more compact tankless option.
  • Energy Efficiency Owning a home can be an expensive ordeal for sure. So, you need to take steps to lower your monthly expenses in any way you can. A great way to do that is to get a tankless water heater. This installation provides excellent energy efficiency, which will reduce your monthly electric bills significantly.

Ready to Enjoy These Benefits? Then Call Our Clearwater Plumbers Today

So, now that you know the draws and drawbacks that a tankless water heater has to offer, do you think this option is right for you? If so, you need to call Dependable Plumbing & Drain Cleaning today. Our experienced plumbers in the Clearwater area offer quality work that will help you fully enjoy all of the benefits that tankless water heaters have to offer.


For more information about Tankless Water Heaters in Clearwater, please call Dependable Plumbing & Drain Cleaning at 727-250-9911 or complete our online request form.